4 ways to turn your beauty routine into a self-care ritual

Your beauty routine exists to keep you looking great but it can also help you feel great. Here are four easy ways to turn your regimen into a self-care ritual 

By Helen Wallace, Beauty Content Creator

While we are generally good about taking the time to wash our hair, faces and bodies regularly, the same can probably not be said when it comes to prioritising self-care. Last year, the World Health Organization officially declared burnout a disease, and a recent survey  revealed that 77% of people have experienced it in their current jobs. And it’s not just the workplace that can be stressful but modern life in general. This is why carving out some quiet time with yourself is so necessary. It gives you the time and space to process things and reconnect with yourself, helping you to stay centred in an often-chaotic world. One way that you can inject more self-care into your life is through your beauty routine. Here are four easy ways to start soothing your mind and body at the same time. 

1. Set the scene

In order to have a truly tranquil bathing experience, you need to create an environment conducive to it. Put your phone on silent and turn on some soothing nature sounds. Scent can also play a role in helping you to unwind, so bring in a diffuser or light up a scented candle while you are in the tub. 

2. Check your temperature

There’s no denying that the temperature of your bath water can make or break your home spa experience. If it’s too cold, you obviously won’t be able to relax but, if it’s too hot, it can dry out your skin. Interestingly, experts claim that water should be between 37 and 39 degrees for the ideal bath (just in case you were wondering!).

3. Pick your products

When it comes to creating a bougie bath, the most important element is what you put into the water. Epsom salt is a great addition and is known for its muscle-soothing abilities. Scented bath milk or oil can also add moisture to your skin while simultaneously aiding in relaxation.  

4. Finishing touch

Your at-home spa experience doesn’t have to end as soon as you hop out the tub, nor should it! After bathing, it’s crucial that you apply body oil or lotion to lock in moisture and keep your skin healthy. Massaging it in will also help to relieve tense muscles and assist in ultimate relaxation. 

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