KUMI Sneakers

KUMI Sneakers

KUMI Sneakers adventure began two years ago when we, Sergio and Alexandra, tired of a nine-to-five job, decided to start our own project and dedicate ourselves to what we’re truly passionate about: sustainable fashion.
We decided to create a project of vegan sneakers that would fit our lifestyle and values:
-Respect and love for animals: we adopted a puppy that we love madly and we want to make sure animals are treated with the same dignity.
-Sustainable fashion industry: using vegan, sustainable and recycled materials with the goal of sustainable fashion in mind.
-Local economy support: reducing CO2 impact and doing business with national companies.
For these reasons, KUMI Sneakers is more than a project. Through KUMI Sneakers we have the desire to create a community of globe-trotters that seek to leave a sustainable footprint with every step they take and that are committed to change the society they live in.
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