House of Gozdawa

House of Gozdawa

House of Gozdawa makes exclusively natural fragrances inspired by the African continent. 
House of Gozdawa was conceived in deference to nature, the beguiling African continent and all of its glorious smells. The story starts many moons ago, with one little girl and her fierce-spirited, parachuting, aristocratic grandmother. Precious knowledge was passed down from one generation to the next, and out of this a strong desire to share African realities, stories and scents with the world was born. Our quest for unique and indigenous natural ingredients has led to the most intrepid adventures both on our doorstep and in faraway foreign lands: scaling intimidatingly high mountains, hurtling across the driest of dry deserts and diving headfirst into shiver-inducing seas.
We are obsessed with stories, with individuals from past to present, and of course, with scent. We wish humans could teleport or time travel, that smell-o-vision was real, but whilst we patiently wait for such capabilities (counting on you Elon), we invite you to join our olfactory ride.
We are passionate about using unique and indigenous natural ingredients, the search for which has led to many intrepid adventures both on our doorstep and in faraway lands.
Naturals are unique in the way that they react to the makeup of each person’s skin.
PH, biological sex, diet, age and even race impact the way in which your body and natural perfume respond to one another.
You define your perfume, your perfume doesn’t define you.
You are the curator of your own scent.
House of Gozdawa was born in 2015 and continues to live and breathe from Cape Town, South Africa.